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Naamkaranam is the “baby-naming ceremony” to formally choose a newborn baby’s name with the Supreme Lord’s Approval and Blessings.



Naamakaranam is the process of giving the newborn child a name based on its Rasi and nakshatra, or choosing an appropriate name in accordance with the Sastras to gain the Lord’s blessings. Punyahavachanam and Jathakarmam are the two primary Poojas conducted.

The infant should wear new clothes on this day, and the rites are performed by saying the infant’s name in its ear. The name chanted during the naamakaran is taken into consideration to be the official Hindu name utilised for Sankalpa following the completion of Rituals.

When Should Naamakaranam Pooja Be Done?
Naamakaranam is traditionally carried out on the eleventh day following the baby’s birth. When done in the morning, it is lucky


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