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Saraswathi Homam


The Saraswati homam is done in honour of the goddess. She is the goddess of understanding, wisdom, and intelligence.

This homam is specifically performed for the students to evoke the blessing of Goddess Saraswati to enhance their job life and academic standing.



The goddess of learning and the arts, Saraswathi Devi, is the consort of Lord Brahma, who created the universe. The goddess of wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence is known as Saraswati. The Saraswati Homam is specifically performed for students to evoke the blessing of Goddess Saraswati to enhance their job life and academic standing.

Professionals in the field of knowledge, such as teachers, professors, researchers, or spiritual seekers, may also conduct this homam.

When Is Saraswati Homam Performed?

  • It is advised to perform this Homam three months prior to any exams or assessments.
  • The homam date must be chosen taking into account the Janma Nakshatra of the individual and the Yoga and Thithi of that specific date.
  • Fridays have been shown to be


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