Chandi Homam
0The Chandi Homam is regarded as Devi’s supreme homam. Every aspect of a person’s existence is under the direction of the nine planets. In a split second, it has the capacity to alter a person’s life.
Dhanvantari Homam
0To find cure from numerous illnesses and to live a long, healthy life, Dhanvantari Homam is conducted. The primary god of this potent homam is Lord Dhanvantari, the Divine Physician, who grants people health and healing.
Pratyangira Homam
0Sri Pratyangira Devi represents the lion and human forms and is born from Lord Shiva’s third eye. Pratyangira Devi, the goddess An individual can receive total relief from evil spirits, negative energy, illness, and mental traumas by performing the Pratyangira Devi homam.
Rudra Homam
0Lord Shiva is placated by the ritual known as Rudra Homa. Shiva’s name is Rudra (the destroyer of all the forces of evil). He offers you inner peace, a sense of accomplishment, and all the joys of this world since he is the Supreme Lord of the universe.
Rudra is in charge of the nine planets, and as a result, he is in charge of all of space and time. By reviving the person battling death or other terminal illnesses, this homa slows down the progress of death and bestows excellent health on them.
Saraswathi Homam
0The Saraswati homam is done in honour of the goddess. She is the goddess of understanding, wisdom, and intelligence.
This homam is specifically performed for the students to evoke the blessing of Goddess Saraswati to enhance their job life and academic standing.
Lakshmi Narasimha Homam
0You are certain to have plenty of material wealth thanks to Lakshmi Narasimha Homam. You will achieve all of your spiritual and material goals. Lakshmi Narasimha Homam is for you if you are experiencing numerous troubles brought on by hostile spirits or foes, as well as being involved in legal matters.
Durga Homam
0The powerful goddess Shoolini Durga is used in Durga homams, which aid in warding off evil spirits, black magic, illness, misfortune, obstacles, rivalry, and regaining strength.
Lakshmi Narayana Homam
0The Lakshmi Narayana Homam offers independence from financial hardship, success in all your pursuits, and financial success. helps a person amass a large amount of material fortune. assists in achieving all the material and spiritual rewards.
Lakshmi Kubera Homam
0Lakshmi Kubera Homam is one of the most effective homam for wealth and prosperity. In general, the purpose of this homam is for faster recovery of dues.
Sudarshana Homam
0For the Lord Sudarshana, who appears as a chakra, Sudarsana Homam is offered. We are shielded from the powers of black magic and the evil eye by doing Sudarsana Homam, which also helps prevent untimely accidents. It increases the environment’s energy level and gets rid of unwanted things.
Navagraha Homam
0The homam that is offered to all nine Grahas is known as the Navagraha Homam (9 planets- Suriyan, Chandran, Sevvai, Budhan, Guru, Shukran, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu). Every aspect of a person’s life is under the authority of the nine planets, which have the capacity to completely alter a person’s course of action.).
Hayagreeva Homam
0Lord Maha Vishnu appeared as Sri Hayagreeva. Hayagreeva Homam improves memory, learning ability, and focus.